Here is where you’ll pick up new items just for logging into the game for 15 days, going offline or staying out of combat to fill your Rest Gauge, and logging in during special seven day active Events.ĩ.

Just refer to the meter on the bottom of the screen to check your overall Weekly mission completion progress. You’ll also be gifted with goodies as you’re judged by the total number of missions you complete on a weekly basis. You’ll be rewarded for completing 15 Weekly missions per day. As soon as you finish one, head back to the Weekly missions tab to pick up your rewards and accept a new mission. Note that you can only accept one Weekly mission at a time. Weekly missions give you 15 missions per day to complete.Main Quests are mainly tied to clearing Story Chapters, achieving new Power Levels, and equipping higher ranked pieces of gear. Check out the Quests tab to see all the Main Quests, Weekly, Daily, and Achievements you’re tasked with completing.Be sure to claim victory during PvP matches in order to claim the Honor Points needed to purchase Skill Scrolls. Ultimate Skills become unlocked by completing Main Quest Chapters, while upgrading hem requires you to obtain Skill Scrolls from the PvP Honor Shop.

Once your Ultimate Skill becomes unlocked, you’ll be blessed with an even more powerful attack that looks much cooler than Rage finishers. Just complete Main Quest Chapters in order to unlock more Rage upgrades. Your Rage attacks can be upgraded over time and let you activate them much faster or kill more enemies at once.Tapping on a blue, yellow, or red Rage icon lets you execute regular baddies, Elite monsters, and bosses respectively in a very flashy way. Your Rage meter fills up pretty quickly, so there’s no need to save it for the next enemy encounter. Your Rage meter fills up as you dish out damage (it’s visible underneath your character’s HP meter at the top left of the screen).Securing your victory during both mission types is obtainable by constantly utilizing your evasion maneuver, using your Skills to clear out the crowd when the going gets tough, and activating your Rage as soon as it’s available. Darkness Rises throws you into the fray during PvE and Co-Op skirmishes.