Note that when having someone else craft your item, there will very likely be a labor fee associated with crafting the item for you. Items will have varying numbers and varieties of required resources. Whomever ends up crafting the item must have the required schematic and the resources required. You will also find finished goods for sale at events. Note that there will be a depository for the resources used in crafting the item.Ī character must have the level of crafting skill, as indicated by the corresponding item schematic, necessary to produce the desired item or utilize the crafting talents of another to produce the item for them. Finally, once the schematic and required resources are obtained, take them over to the corresponding crafting station, log your name and other required information in the crafting book, and obtain the tag for the item. Unassigned schematics however, may be sold or transferred as in-game items until such a time as they are added to a character’s inventory, as stated previously. Once a schematic is assigned to a character as an item in their inventory, it may not be transferred. Other schematics will either need to be found or purchased at events. Characters will get one schematic when they purchase additional levels. Upon the purchase of any crafting general skill at level 1, the character will receive a number of schematics based on the listing in the Archetype table on the Character 's page. The number and type of gathering resources required to produce the itemĪs noted, schematics will be of varying levels and will require that the crafter of the item be of at least the level designated on the schematic. The required prop to physically represent the item, if applicable. The in-game mechanical benefits, when applicable. The crafting skill and the corresponding level of that skill required to produce the item Schematics are documents that may be found or purchased at Eldritch events (with in-game currency of course) and are a meta-representation of the knowledge required to produce a finished item. In addition to providing cool and unique knowledge about the game world, you'll need more lores in order to purchase levels in other lore skills. Remember, acquiring levels in a given lore type is good in that they may help to satisfy the prerequisites of some yet-to-be-discovered lore prop. Lore props are also used to acquire additional levels in a given lore skill type (per the list above). Once you've opened a lore prop, you will discover that it contains a write-up on some aspect of the Eldritch world. Metaphysics 1 - 3 | Metaphysics is the lore of the “eldritch” the strange and unusual phenomena that still manifests in the present day. Mythology can contain lore about heroes, items, places, or even entire civilizations. It is more tales than history, but those tales can and do often contain a grain of truth. Mythology 1 - 3 | Mythology is the stories and lore of the ancient past. The Welkin 1 - 3 | The lore of the Welkin is the lore of the strange and otherworldly realms and their denizens beyond the Vale. The Vale 1 - 3 | The lore of the Vale is any information that pertains to geography, demographics, social customs, or current events of the day. Note that the language spoken in the kingdom is the common tongue, which a player must have Academics 1 to read. Languages 1 - 3 | L anguages lore pertains to the languages, grammar, and related arts of Arnesse. Religion 1 - 3 | Information about the faiths of Arnesse.

History 1 - 3 | Information about Arnesse’s past, be it locations, people, or events. Level 3 - Very rare information that few have access to or is hard to come by. Level 2 - Rare or more detailed information that may require some amount of study. Level 1 - Basic information on a corresponding subject, known to most educated people. For example, if the lore type and level is Religion - 2 (as will be noted on the front of the lore prop), your character must have Academics - 2, in addition to any other listed prerequisites, in order to open and access the information inside the lore prop. Your character's level of the Academics skill must also meet or exceed the level of the lore prop. Your character must have the prerequisites listed on the front of the lore prop in order to open the seal and read the information contained therein. Lores are in-game props that are comprised of a title, a type (see below), a level being 1 through 3, and some amount of prerequisites required to open the lore prop and access the contents. The Academics and Lore skills work hand in hand to represent a character's level of expertise or knowledge in a given subject.